In the Google Search toolbar in FireFox ,copy the name of the file, in this case – “Dead.To.Rights.2-RELOADED.part01.rar”

Or you can manually go to and search in the default search box.[Note that the full link to sites has been masked in order to preserve board policy] By checking the Actual Url one can see that /forum/index.php?showtopic=8927&view=findpost&p=119588is a link to a topic in a forum, and hence by clicking on the link, we are taken to a forum page.The forum is in some other language, but it doesn’t matter. On scrolling down the page one can seethe links to the file for which we need the password. And most probably the password will posted at the endof the link list, like this -

If it is not posted then you can try the other links or search in other search engines or you can even add " " to the keyword and then search.Hope this small guide was helpful to you. Now you no longer need to ask others for the password to files.If u still not able to find the password: enter the 8 digit code in the rapidshare link... along with word rapidshare,
So your keyword for the above link should be
"5968004 rapidshare"... Then u will definitely find the password
Hope I have solved a little bit your problems!

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